
Showing posts from May, 2017

Hospital Life

I don't want to come across as mean or ungrateful because I know everyone means well when they ask, but everyone is always asking me how I'm feeling, some people have even said, "get well soon!" I just want to clear things up... I'm NOT sick, I feel absolutely fine! Everything that is causing problems is inside the womb, there are no symptoms or side effects, no pain or bleeding, just issues that we cannot see or feel. We are lucky this day and age to have the technology to find these kind of issues beforehand because there are no symptoms leading up to it. Undiagnosed and untreated (early delivery), vasa previa has an extremely high mortality rate for the baby, but because we are taking the extra precautions, that rate drops considerably, and for this we are very grateful. In fact, the nurse I had today said to me, "do you know how we used to diagnose vasa previa?... By autopsying the baby!" It's a little morbid and scary, but that's the real

Hospital Day!

I've laid in bed the past two mornings snuggling with Lexi for a half hour or so. Anyone with a 4 year old knows that snuggles can be rare, so take advantage of them when you can get them! I knew my big doctor's appointment was coming up in the afternoon, so while we were snuggling, I couldn't help but think that I won't get many more snuggles like this after I'm admitted to the hospital, so I squeezed her extra close! At my appointment the doctor advised me to get admitted to the hospital tomorrow (now today), I was a little shocked, but I can't say I didn't see it coming. I slept really good last night, probably because I knew it was going to be my last night in my own bed for a long time. Then the snuggles this morning with Lexi were extra special and extra tight, our cat even came over and laid down with us. I was hoping I had another week or so before getting admitted but my doctor is going on holidays this week and she wants to make sure that she'