Jenna's Journey
Before Delivery: Today has been a really rough day to say the least. My doctor came in and we filled out the forms for my c-section surgery. As with any surgery, there are risks, so she began explaining them. The risks that stood out, however, are not just the regular c-section risks, but the complications because of the vasa previa and because of my past delivery. I've always kind of known this, but because of the previa, I am at a higher risk for hemorrhaging. In my mind I've just thought, "no big deal, been there, done that with Lexi!" But then she mentions if they can't control the bleeding, it would require a hysterectomy right on the spot, which could get even messier. Thinking optimistically, the chances of it happening are 1-2%. As much as I'd like to think that's reassuring, let's just think back to all my other problems: hellp syndrome, also a rare condition, retained placenta, not as rare, but still affects a low percentage of people, a